Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One day at a time

After VLCD 25
overnight: -0.2
total: -14.8
weight: 140.2

I went to my niece's choir concert last night--no drinks allowed in the theater. I had to leave home shortly after 6:30 and by the time I got back, it was close to my bedtime and I didn't think of drinking water. In any case, it would have been a little late to guzzle the 16 ounces of water I was short for the day.

I woke up this morning obviously retaining water. Serious pillow face. Red grooves on my arms and stomach. I still drank 64 ounces of water yesterday--a pretty good amount. It's just that I normally drink 80 ounces. That satisfies my thirst. Plus, 6:30 was too early for me to quit drinking water. I usually keep sipping until about 8:30. So that's my explanation for only .2.

It's starting to feel like crunch time. Sure, I only have about 10 pounds to lose, but I'll run out of HCG on Nov. 16. (Even if I had more, I'd want to be done around that time. I need to be on P3 for Thanksgiving.) 20 days from now. Half a pound a day--that's doable. But at my current streak of zero and .2, it's starting to look like an unattainable goal. I'm trying to stay positive.

What I really need to lose is the inches. I don't care so much what the scale ends up reading, but my body fat % is still much too high. I measure once a week, and today was the day. I lost tiny amounts on arms, thighs, hips, but nothing in my midsection, where it really needs to come off. But I'm bloated today, so I'm going to drink lots of water and measure again tomorrow.

People on this diet are always reassured that when the weight loss slows down, the inch loss speeds up. I hope that's the case for me and my water retention is simply disguising it. One day at a time. My new mantra.

1 comment:

BEB said...

I'm convinced that water intake has a huge and immediate effect on this diet. I'm sure you'll see it tomorrow. Keep it up!