Saturday, October 11, 2008

Drinking lots of water

After VLCD 8
overnight: -0.6
total: -7.6
weight: 147.4

Counting down the days. I'm trusting that after 10 days of low calories, I won't be so hungry anymore. Sorry to keep posting about my hunger, but it's hard to think about anything else. At any rate, two more days to go.

An interesting side note: my water consumption keeps going up slightly each day. I'm not trying to drink more water, but my thirst levels keep going up. I must have been dehydrated for a long time before this. Also I'm eating so much less food that I'm not getting the water content from food that I used to.

The first few days I drank 64 ounces per day. Then it was 72, 76, and now 80. My mouth feels dry most of the time. Oh, well. I'll listen to my thirst signals and give my body what it needs.

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