Sunday, November 2, 2008

30 days down

After VLCD 30
overnight: -0.4
total: -16.8
weight: 138.2

I have about two weeks of HCG left. My hunger is still more than I'd like. I hope that changes soon with my lower dose. But I'm done playing around with the dose. Whatever happens, I'll just power through the next two weeks, plus three days of low calories without HCG.

Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't blog. My experience hasn't exactly been the typical, "Wow, I feel great on HCG." I've probably had a hard time because I was so toxic. I had no idea that I was.

I'm tired. I've been sleeping close to 11 hours most nights. I don't have energy to do much but the basics--feed myself and do laundry. Plus I do gentle exercise a few days a week. I'm getting far behind on my dishes and cleaning. My detox rash has flared up again. And instead of feeling as if I've just eaten a large meal, I'm hungry most of the time.

But the thing is, whatever I'm facing, it's worth it. I'm getting rid of this fat so quickly. Even at my current level of .4 per day, that's twice as much lost as my best week with dieting alone. Parts of me are looking "normal weight," even though I still have lot of fat in the tummy area. Fortunately, my clothes hide it for the most part. People are noticing I've lost a lot of weight.

And this loss will be permanent, as long as I don't start eating junk food on a regular basis or something dumb like that. So it hasn't been easy, but it'll be over before I know it.

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