Sunday, February 1, 2009

Second loading day

I'm up another .6 pound after my second loading day. That brings me to 149.6. I dread tomorrow, which will probably bring me into the 150s. When I got into the 130s, I never thought I'd see the 140s again. Now 150 is looming.

But it should only be for one day.


BEB said...

Good to see you back!

Don't worry about the number. I got caught up in that in the beginning and it's just not helpful.

When we get to phase three we won't be starting the holiday season with more than the usual amount of temptations, and we know what to do differently.

Tuesday you will have a huge drop!

Beaker said...

Thanks so much! You're right, as always. I'm looking forward to getting on that scale tomorrow.