Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's the spice of life, right?

I'm starting to crave a little bit of variety in my diet.

Not my usual cravings for bread and sugar. I just want a little bit of fruit and some nuts and seeds. Cheese has started sounding really good, but I'm committed to staying off of dairy for a couple more months. I know dairy was causing me problems.

Funny, I had cravings for chocolate on Valentine's Day. Psychological? Or was it something they put in the steak that triggered some cravings? I hate eating unknowns when I'm trying to eat clean, but I really needed a night out. Anyway, the chocolate cravings went away.

I did test eggs yesterday, and I don't think I have a problem with them. When I thought I had a problem, it may have actually been something I was eating with the eggs. I also had some blueberries last night. They tasted so good after more than a month without fruit. The only reason I've avoided fruit was to keep my blood sugar stable, and to help with candida. Blueberries are supposed to by a low glycemic fruit.

I'm ready to start slowly adding a few things back in. I probably shouldn't have had fruit the same day I was testing eggs. From now on, just one thing at a time. Also, I'm going to weigh myself every day to see if any foods trigger a gain. I'm sick of being in the dark, anyway. I want to see what's going on with my weight from day to day. Yesterday's new taste adventures didn't hurt my weight at all this morning.

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