Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Best steak day ever!

overnight: -2.8
current weight 139.8

I drank 3 quarts of water yesterday and that's most likely why I lost so much. Such a rapid gain can only be water and this helped me lose it. Yes, I'm still 7 pounds above my LDW, but I'm making progress. All I care about right now is progress.

I took my measurements again today and most of them are smaller than they were last week. They still aren't what they were at my last dose, but the funny thing is that my fat% measured with calipers is lower than it was at my last dose. I went from 25.1% to 24.3%. That makes me feel better about being 7 pounds over.

1 comment:

BEB said...

Rock on, girl. I haven't done my measurements again and should.