Friday, December 12, 2008

Not bad

overnight: -0.2

A small move, but still a move in the right direction. I'm almost back in the 130s again. I'd be happy to get down to 135 before I start the next round of HCG. I've got about 4 weeks to lose those 5 pounds. Then I'll aim for losing another 10 pounds during my short round because I think my ideal is about 125.

Looking at my numbers, I didn't gain nearly as much fat as I gained lean body mass. I did gain some fat, though, which I hope I can reverse.

I also hope my mother-in-law serves the right kind of food tonight. And I nearly forgot that tomorrow night is the Christmas banquet at church. It's frustrating trying to lose weight when I don't have control over the food I'm served. On the other hand, these two events will be fun, so I just need to relax and enjoy them without worrying about what I eat.

1 comment:

BEB said...

You're doing the right things and we will both be fine.