Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

As I said, holidays aren't good for me--food-wise--and no holiday lasts longer than Christmas. It started the day of my last post. A very busy day. For supper I ate some of the chicken noodle soup I'd intended for my husband. I simply didn't have time to cook anything and that wasn't a substantial meal. I went to a Christmas party that night. I was hungry and there was chocolate. Enough said.

It's the time of year when people give little plates of goodies, too. My will-power has to be strong to resist something that's in my own house. And I love Christmas-time, so I don't want to stress about it. Bottom line: I'm not letting things get out of hand, but I'm enjoying a few sweet treats. My weight's back up by a couple of pounds.

After Christmas, I'm back on the wagon. Which day, I can't say. Knowing my mom, she'll send some of the "extra" Christmas cookies home with me--for my husband, of course. Yeah, right. I've been eating dairy again, but I see it as a chance to say goodbye to dairy. My husband doesn't understand the need for a farewell for a food group. Can't I just quit? (Can you tell he's never had the slightest issue with food?)

When I'm back in a cheat-free zone, I'll start an informal detoxifying program to get ready for round 2. I don't want a repeat of the detox rash that plagued me my last phase 2. My plan includes a super green foods powder that detoxifies, dry skin brushing, and infrared saunas. I'm not going strict with my diet, but I'll be getting dairy and sugar out of my system.

I'll check in when I start that.

Meanwhile, have a Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

BEB said...

Sounds wonderful. I'm going to do much the same and not worry right now.